Mot de remerciements de la part des parents

To Riad Schools, to the people within the STAFF team who worked hard, rose and ground to provide us with knowledge.
To the incredible teachers that educated us, who thanks to, we could combat procrastination during these tough times.
To finally, our school director, Mr. Berrada.

Thanks to your hard work, we could prove that together we are strong, with your constant presence checks, homework, and lessons in the school’s website. That together, we can fight this virus that’s affecting many living beings, and messing with our eco-system, economy and our planet Earth.

You guys are heroes, and deserve considerable respect for what you’ve done. Thank you for your hard work and support.
I am very thankful to be in this school. Though this year is coming to an end, I will never forget this experience, in which I am proud to be a part of.

Mouad Siraj Mounir, C9-A

I am proud of you and to have you as a Riad student
R. Berrada
Riad school director